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Luz Campos Berumen

Vice President of Marketing- BSC Relations

As Vice President of Marketing- BSC Relations, Luz Campos focuses on the media creation highlighting our members experiences and achievements. In this role, Luz creates promotional materials regarding what the organization has accomplished, what events the organization has planned, along with recaps of past events.

Outside of Business School Council, Campos is involved in other student organizations such as adworks and Business Ambassadors. Campos is a McCord Scholar, Fleischer Mentor, and WPC 101 Team Lead.

Campos describes her time at Business School Council (BSC) as joyful as she says, "BSC has been one of those clubs where you feel so connected to the business school. In this organization, I learned more about professionalism while gaining new friends each semester that I connect with.

Committee consist of:



Committee Members:

Luz Campos Berumen
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